

Transparency International Belgium is a non-for profit association. We survive thanks to the donations of individuals who want to support us our vision.

Make a donation

Your support is particularly appreciated, as Transparency International Belgium does not receive any public funding.

To support us, please make a donation to the Friends of Transparency International Belgium Fund of the King Baudouin Foundation. This fund aims to support concrete TI-B projects.

BANK: BE10 0000 0000 0404 


Communication: “S70150 Friends of Transparency International Belgium Fund

Your donation is tax deductible from €40.

To support us directly you can also make a donation to Transparency International Belgium

BANK: BE58 0017 2589 9879 


Communication: “Donation”

For companies:   

Sponsors who make a donation of at least the same amount as the membership fee (determined according to the type of company – see above) also give their employees a 40% discount on the cost of registration for activities organised as part of the TI-B Corporate Package.

Business Integrity Forum

Please contact us at for more information.