Who we are ?

We are the Belgian chapter of Transparency International – the global anti-corruption movement, present in over 100 countries.

Transparency International

Transparency International works in over 100 countries to end the injustice of corruption by promoting Transparency, Accountability and Integrity.

Based in Berlin, Transparency International’s Secretariat works closely with each chapter to successfully fight corruption internationally.
By conducting targeted research, communicating with public and private bodies and pursuing its advocacy activities, Transparency International seeks to highlight corrupt activities while promoting fair and ethical governance practices.

Transparency International Belgium

Our Vision

Since 1999, Transparency International Belgium focuses on promoting integrity and transparency in both the public and private sectors through advocacy, research, and public awareness campaigns. We aim  to strengthen accountability, improve governance, and ultimately contribute to a more just and equitable society in Belgium.

Our Mission

We aim to shed light on the systems that enable corruption. We work to build partnerships and advocate for policies that drive meaningful change. By pushing for strong anti-corruption measures and providing resources for citizens and leaders alike, TIB empowers communities to demand transparency and participate actively in governance processes. 

We share the vision of  a world in which governments, international and local politics, businesses, the civil society, and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. Anticorruption efforts in Belgium not only contribute to better policies in Belgium, but also better policies in the many countries where the Belgian government and private companies are active

Our Core Values

Transparency, Integrity, and Accountability. We promote openness, honesty, responsibility, attachment to democracy and its operating principles, non-partisan or non-sectarian actions and/or communications, and condemnation of corruption and associated behaviour, always with respect for the rights of the persons or entities concerned.  

Our Goals

We want to protect public resources, stop the flow of dirty money, ensure integrity in politics, promote integrity in business, pursue law enforcement and justice, expand the civic space for accountability, and develop the spirit of initiative within the community against corruption. 

 Our fight against corruption rests on three pillars: Advocacy, Education and Research.These pillars aim to prevent the negative impact of corruption on Belgian society. 

Our Work

We work to combat corruption through a multi-faceted approach. We advocate for stronger anti-corruption legislation and policies, engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders to push for reform. We conduct research and publish reports exposing corruption risks and vulnerabilities in various sectors. We engage in public awareness campaigns, aiming to foster a culture of integrity and empower citizens to demand accountability from those in power. Our efforts focus on both the public and private sectors, working to promote transparency and ethical conduct across Belgian society.

In line with the vision of the Transparency International global movement, our objectives are to protect public resources, stop the flow of dirty money, ensure integrity in politics and business, pursue law enforcement and justice, expand civic space for accountability and develop community leadership against corruption.

In 2025 Transparency International Belgium adopted a new strategic plan 2025-2029 based on five objectives:

  1. Strengthen integrity and transparency in the business sector.
  2.  Strengthen integrity and transparency in the public sector.
  3.  Improve legislation.
  4.  Promoting a culture of integrity in society at large – raising public awareness.
  5.  Safeguarding TI Belgium’s sustainable future

Our Team


Marc Beyens
Executive Director
Executive Director of Transparency International Belgium | Sec. Gen. International Nuclear Law Association | Hr President Institute Company Lawyers IJE-IBJ
Cristina Mosneaga
Advisor of Transparency International Belgium | International development professional working at the crossroads of humanitarian, peace-building, and development interventions |
Stefanie Thomas Gilbert-Roberts
Stefanie Thomas Gilbert-Roberts
Board member
Board Member | Project and Communication Expert in Governance and Culture |
Ninon Jardin
Special Projects Officer Intern

Board Members

Jan Cerfontaine
Chairman of the Board of Transparency International Belgium | Law Professor | Accordion Player
Marc Beyens
Executive Director
Executive Director of Transparency International Belgium | Sec. Gen. International Nuclear Law Association | Hr President Institute Company Lawyers IJE-IBJ
IBR-IRE represented by Marc Bihain
Secretary General - Institute of Registered Auditors
Tania Damianova
Board member
Expert in business management, project implementation, and legal consultancy in UK and EU law for the financial and pharmaceutical industries.
Alexander De Jaeger
Board member
Board Member Head of Internal Audit Enabel | Researcher at the Leuven Institute of Criminology
Emma Delaude
Board member
Stijn De Meulenaer
Board member
Board Member
Carlos Desmet
Board member
Visiting Professor chez UC Louvain Louvain School of Management
Marie-France De Pover
Board member
Board Member | General Manager KBC Group Compliance | President of the Belgian de facto association of Compliance Officers |
Stefanie Thomas Gilbert-Roberts
Stefanie Thomas Gilbert-Roberts
Board member
Board Member | Project and Communication Expert in Governance and Culture |
Isabel Penne
Board member
Board Member

Advisory Board

Advisory Board
Chief Compliance Officer at Manuchar Seasonal Lecturer in Business Ethics, Compliance, and Data Protection Management at Louvain School of Management.
Advisory Board
Chief Executive Officer at University Foundation Professor Emeritus at ULB Solvay Brussels School and CEO of Fondation Universitaire
Advisory Board
Chairman of the Board at Ageas Former CEO of Ageas, President of VBO-FEB
Advisory Board
Chairman of the Board at Solvay Group Co-Founder of Belgium’s 40 under 40
Advisory Board
Retired Partner at Ergon Zehnder Certified mediator focused on family business conflicts
Advisory Board
Country Leader at Kroll Supports wider operations in Benelux and Germany and serves as Senior Advisor for Paris and EMEA
Advisory Board
Judge at the Constitutional Court of Belgium Former Head of Unit at the European Parliament Liaison Office with the US Congress
Advisory Board
Board Member of VOO and Atenor Professor at ULB Solvay School of Economics, created and directed the ENGIE School
Advisory Board
Compliance Officer at Agoria Board Member of Seawind Ocean Technology and Women on Board Belgium

Corporate members